Projects > Batata Lab

Projeto ILHA . This is a playspace by Erê Lab, a Brazilian studio based in São Paulo. The project, winner of a architecture contest, wants to encourage child’s education through unconditional play, overcoming challenges, increasing contact with each other and with the city.Placed in Largo da Batata – a region that suffered a poorly executed urban requalification, which mischaracterized the use and life the area – the playful equipment tries to develop a sense of belonging through daily contact with the city and thus strengthen social consciousness.With a design that invokes a new urban Brazilian aesthetics and with the use of sustainable materials, Erê Lab desires to recover and strengthen the sense of citizenship, so parents, children and surrounding community can interact among themselves and also with the city.Each equipment brings different challenges and endless possibilities of games, raising the child as protagonist of their own play, exercising movements and stimulating the imagination and action in all stages of childhood.The Project contemplates five independent structures thought as independent urban furniture; witch one designed to stimulate actions based on possibilities of corporal movements and decision-making.


Where to play


Area: 286m²
Equipment: Ilha, Bosque, Montanha, Traves e Pedras Chatas
Date: dez/2016
Local: Praça das Araucárias, Largo da Batata, Pinheiros, São Paulo -SP
Creative Direction: Roni Hirsch
Executive production: Helo Paoli
Architect responsible: Vitor Araujo
Architects team:  Guta Albers, Angela Potrich, Luis Enrique Vargas
Assembly Production: Pollyana Amaral
Production support: Leila de Oliveira
Assembly Team: Fabiano Araújo, Thiago Calazans, Leandro S. da Trindade, Leonardo T. Lopez


Concurso BatataLab